HLB Adria is a regional organization that is part of a large family of the most dynamically growing business network globally. This dynamic is also the result of our value system, which is crucial when choosing employees and partners.
We highly value the creativity of our employees in the form of thinking outside the box, innovation, and critical thinking. As a result, we see the creative satisfaction of our employees and the generation of new solutions for our clients that will stimulate our business growth and also inspire people in and around our organization.
Then there is the energy that is essential for starting any activity. Positive energy is our driving force, the value we promote, and something we want the environment to recognize. Such energy is possessed by balanced individuals who live life completely following their values and the values of our organization, and energy is manifested through enthusiasm in work and acceptance of new challenges.
We see cooperation as a value without which our business network would not exist. Man is a social being, and relationships between people are key to the well-being and satisfaction of individuals as well as the success of any business venture. Cooperation is related to a whole set of values such as understanding, kindness, belonging, respect, wisdom, adaptation, and contribution.
Work is the last of the four key components of our value system. The saying "Work created man" speaks of the importance of work for the individual, the organization, and our entire civilization. However, we do not see every work as a value, but that which is arbitrary and based on traditional values such as responsibility, professionalism, expertise, learning, knowledge, and experience.
If you are a person who appreciates the above values and wants to be surrounded by people who strive to take a small step in the direction of these values every day, feel free to contact us.