Due diligence
Due diligence is a verification of the accuracy and general character of a target company conducted by investors or their consultants. The target may be a potential acquisition subject, strategic partner, joint venture, or similar arrangements.
The most common reason for conducting due diligence is the purchase of a company or part of it, where the investor needs to understand exactly what they are buying and requires specialized experts to point out potential acquisition risks and the value of the acquisition objects.
Changes in management and supervisory boards in commercial companies, changes in public sector leadership where new or existing authoritative structures protect their interests, can often be a reason for some form of due diligence. Due diligence is usually divided into: accounting-financial, legal, tax, human resources and organizational due diligence, and technological and know-how due diligence.
We specialize in accounting-financial due diligence, and together with our partners, we cover other segments of due diligence.