Clean start project

CLEAN START, or in the literal translation clean start, is a report issued by an expert independent person - a business consultant on the current situation in an institution, association, or company.
CLEAN START represents a project that does not have a strictly prescribed legal framework according to which the procedures are carried out (such as, for example, in audit engagements), but the goals, attitudes, and expectations of the users of the report, as well as the scope of work, are formed in agreement with the management. The purpose of implementing such a project is to objectively present the situation within the organization by an independent consultant, which is a consequence of the previous management. The conducted analysis highlights, for example, business compliance with the legislative framework, the efficiency of the management system, the efficiency of business processes and procedures, the overall efficiency and effectiveness of the organization's work, and/or other contractual requirements that the management wants to focus on. The CLEAN START project highlights the current state, shortcomings, risks, and potential risks in the current business and proposes measures for their mitigation and elimination.
The contracting of this type of project is most often prompted by the arrival of a new administration or management. The new manager/s would like to receive a cross-section of the state of the organization at the time of the takeover, which was objectively presented by a person from the "outside". The new leadership, before forming a plan for future action, growth, and development, must be familiar with the current state of the organization. In practice, it is often the case that the newly formed management somehow wants to "wash their hands" of the actions and consequences of the decisions of their predecessors.
At the very beginning of the CLEAN START project, the external consultant and management define the goals, purpose, and scope of the work, access to documentation, and the deadline for the execution of the work. It is of great importance to give the external consultant access to the documentation as well as the possibility of communication with employees because the quality of the report depends on the availability of information and documentation. The above also represents limitations in the implementation of project procedures, as it is entirely based on information received from the client. CLEAN START is not an audit or an in-depth analysis that would reveal significant errors, but its advantage is that by reviewing the broader picture, it can indicate potential opportunities and changes for the better.
The quality of the report itself also depends on the expertise and professionalism of the adviser. HLB Adria, without false modesty, can boast of a professional team of people with many years of experience in accounting, auditing, and consulting. What we provide to our clients is maximum professionalism in our work, maintaining the confidentiality of the information provided, and working to help the client in his future growth and development.
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