Statutory audit
In the Republic of Croatia, statutory audit is listed in the Accounting Act and Accounting Act for Non-profit Organizations and its implementation in the Audit Act. Audit is a process of examining and evaluating financial statements, information and methods applied in creating the financial statements and, based on which, an expert opinion is given on accuracy and objectivity of the asset balance, equity and liabilities, results of operating activities, manner of bringing business decisions and information system functionality. This audit is useful to owners, managers and employees of the client and, indirectly, the state and the investors.
Audits in accordance with the Commercial Companies Act
Audits pursuant to Commercial Companies Act are: founding audits, audits of increase or decrease in share equity, audits of mergers and acquisitions and partition audits. They are useful to clients that have to make any of these status changes.
Custom audits
Custom audits - special purpose audits (audits of specific departments, inquiry in operating activities and similar) Custom audits are performed to express opinion on financial statements or segments. They are mostly performed for the purposes of buying and selling shares or stocks, per owner requests for management control, for management for employee control (especially accounting) or external accounting departments regarding the responsibility for their work. Custom audits include audits of projects financed by the World Bank, EU funds and similar.