Digital nomads

HLB AdriaArticle

Digital nomads Želite svoj ured odnijeti na hrvatsku obalu, uživati i pritom nesmetano raditi? Vjerojatno ste jedna od onih osoba željnih drugačijih iskustava te željni promijeniti svoj ‘standardni’ ured za onaj po vašoj mjeri. Da biste mirno mogli uživati u svom ‘nomadskom’ životu u Hrvatskoj, potrebno je znati nekoliko važnih informacija. Digitalni nomadi sukladno Zakonu o strancima (NN 133/20.) su … Read More


HLB AdriaArticle, Blog

Bitrix24 – OUR ULTIMATE WORKSPACE Part of the companies that operated under the name QFACT these days became HLB Adria. There are many reasons for renaming, separation and a kind of rebranding, but the main one is certainly the entry into the global network, HLB International, which is globally recognizable in consulting and accounting services, and consists of member companies … Read More

Against the odds: How European leaders plan to innovate

HLB AdriaArticle, Blog

Against the odds: How European leaders plan to innovate HLB Survey of Business Leaders 2022 – European outlook Enlisting people and technology to expedite innovation Europe is once again facing uncertainty after a period of temporary stabilization. Ongoing reparations from the pandemic have left industries at unequal starting points. New risks — operational, political, and cyber — deranged some of … Read More

Investors should focus on big picture

HLB AdriaArticle, Blog

Investors should focus on big picture Keeping sight on your financial goals Share market investors should be using this period of volatility in equity markets to ensure their portfolios reflect their financial goals, with some too preoccupied with daily market movements and losing sight of the bigger picture. Investors need look at the composition and weighting of their portfolio, and … Read More

Achieving net zero: impacts and opportunities for business

HLB AdriaArticle, Blog

Achieving net zero: impacts and opportunities for business The next round of climate change talks at COP27 in November will push countries to move away from pledges, and into concrete action against climate change. At HLB we are well aware that the journey for business to net zero is as challenging as it is daunting. Our new report, Achieving net zero: … Read More

Do you want to take your office to the Croatian coast, enjoy it and work smoothly?

HLB AdriaArticle, Blog

Do you want to take your office to the Croatian coast, enjoy it and work smoothly? You are probably one of those people who want different experiences and want to change your ‘standard’ office for the one that suits you. To be able to enjoy your ‘nomadic’ life in Croatia in peace, you need to know a few important pieces … Read More

How the Inflation Reduction Act addresses climate crisis

HLB AdriaArticle, Blog

How the Inflation Reduction Act addresses climate crisis The Client Founded in 1982 in Sichuan Province, China, New Hope is the largest private agricultural company and the largest feed producers in China, with an annual production capacity of 20 million tons. New Hope has more than 80,000 employees and 10,000 of the best professionals in their respective fields. In 2006, … Read More

Business continuity and disaster recovery in the hospitality industry

HLB AdriaArticle, Blog

Business continuity and disaster recovery in the hospitality industry Services and amenities are what hotels thrive on, and while the very heart of hospitality is to receive and entertain guests, behind the helpfulness and warmth of your hotel is a foundation of safety. With the increasing number of natural disasters, such as hurricanes, floods, and storms, over recent years, it’s … Read More